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Updates 2.23.23

In the last few weeks, a lot has happened. I finally met Jack's parents and step-grandparents! We took an adventurous weekend and went to a small town, which is actually very near my childhood church, named Vining. Oh my GOODNESS!! I had so much fun. In those two days, I probably did more winter activities than I have in the past two years. We went snowmobiling, snowshoeing, ice fishing, drank our coffee black, and simply relished in the company of family. Plus, his grandma and I both share a hobby in spoon collecting, so we immediately bonded. And his cat, Zan Zan, is a near twin to my sweet Ivers. It was an absolutely amazing time. :)

Speaking of Ivy- she's back home in Duluth and loving all the attention myself and my five roommates give her. She went to live with my folks for awhile until she was fixed and now she's naughtier than ever! She's been such a good kitty though, and I can't imagine I'd be very sane without her as my therapy cat. Although last weekend she did scare one of my roomies when she approached her with a dead mouse drooping from her smug mouth. The ring camera footage was hilarious though.

Last week, I also met my troop that I will be unit commissioning this year. For those of you who aren't Scouters, a unit commissioner is simply someone who acts as a mentor for the troop- a bridge between the council and the troop. I am very excited and honored to have been chosen, but of course very nervous since I am incredibly young for this position. I try not to think of myself as too young or inexperienced for anything, but sometimes my intrusive thoughts get the better of me.

Since we're doing a recap of the past few weeks, I should also include an update on my broken foot. It's still broken. I'm joking around, but honestly this injury has been the most exhausting bone break I have ever had. And truly, it feels like the day I will be able to run again is slipping through my fingers like melted butter- unpleasant in many ways. I went in and had my orthotics adjusted, which seems to help with the pain as I walk but running on the lightspeed treadmill (which essentially holds you up so that you don't put as much stress on your legs) was brutal. I plan on meeting with everyone in my corner soon and discussing the next right choice to make. Especially now that indoor is nearly over and I am anxious to train for outdoor.

Tomorrow the Pre-dental club kicks off our hygiene drive at the men's hockey game and I am very pleased with how the club has been turning out. We have lots of work to do, but we are moving towards some very exciting projects- which I will be sure to do a better job of updating you all about their success.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Admittedly, I have another Cell Bio exam tomorrow morning and can't think too much about anything except glucose-Na+ symporters and where in the cells a mature transmembrane protein wind up. I hope to update soon.



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I'm a college Senior who wants to create a space where people can be seen and heard without judgement. Everything you see is raw, unfiltered, and straight from me. :) Come along my journey as a collegiate runner and pre-dental student. 

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