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Scout Vespers

I still remember the first time I learned the words to Scout Vespers.

My dad and I had been on a campout- a fishing trip I think, and I was very wound up. I was incredibly hyper as we prepared for bed, and I would not stop telling stories. Finally, my dad said he was going to teach me a song- a lullaby per say. He started, “ softly falls the light of day” as I began to notice how dark it was outside. “As our campfire fades away… silently each Scout should ask- have I done my daily task?” I thought back to our own campfire, small and primitive, but warm and welcoming. At this point, I was not in scouts, but I listened intently to every word. “Have I kept my honor bright? Can I guiltless sleep tonight?” How could one keep their honor bright? Why would you sleep guilty? “Oh- have I done and have I dared, everything to Be Prepared?” The old faithful line- Be Prepared. Since I could speak, I had known the words to the Scout Oath and Law, but this song felt deeper. To finalize the lullaby, you simply hum the rhythm without speaking words. I’ll never forget hearing Vespers for the first time.

While working at Many Point Scout Camp, we would sing vespers at the end of every opening campfire. For closing campfires, we sang the Many Point Ballad- another song that pulls every string of my heart. And here at NYLT, we sang Scout Vespers for our opening ceremony. The last event before scouts slept in their tents, to fuel and re-energize for the eventful week ahead. Whether they understand it or not, Vespers are a very sacred song to remind us to constantly be striving for success, to continually live in the line of the Scout Oath and Law, and to be grateful for the opportunities and adventures we are given. It’s a soothing space, an intermediate realm to enter when you need a break or are overwhelmed or frustrated. Being in the woods, singing, and enjoying the fellowship of Scouting is the most wonderful way I can think of spending a portion of my life.

I’ll never not advocate for Scouting and the benefits of this program.



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